Bodhisattva Scholar/Teacher Jim

Created by jbapple 10 years ago
Dear Jim, I am very shocked, deeply saddened, and in grief to hear news of your passing from this world. I remember the first time we met, at a dinner table in Wisconsin in 1993 on your way to Nepal. Your easygoing and laid-back manner, combined with a humorous wit, always provided enjoyable conversation. Over all the teachings that we heard and studied from many great Tibetan teachers, the foremost of which was Geshe Sopa Rinpoche, nobody embodied the bodhisattva spirit of engaged selfless compassion like you. As a classmate and colleague over the years, you were always kind, generous, with a good story to tell. Your kindness enabled me to visit with Geshe Sopa for the last time, for which I will always be grateful to you. You must be in Tusita heaven right now letting them know the subtleties of Shantaraksita’s thought, pausing with your hearty and cheerful laugh. As your continuum prepares for further altruistic bodhisattva deeds in other worlds, I will never forget the selfless, compassionate deeds that you dedicated to all friends and students in this world. I am praying for your family, friends, and community at this time of grief and loss. May your bodhisattva spirit continue to leave altruistic impressions of wisdom and compassion on those who knew you, and who will come to know you through your informative and insightful writings. Apple