When I think of Jim, I think of his great, calm presence and his inspiring efforts. Of touching one's friends profoundly yet effortlessly (Thank you, Jim!). Of quenching one's thirst for knowledge, sending roots like a tree, deep, strong and far. Of teaching and sharing, endlessly branching out, selflessly offering the fruits of one's labor. I also think of Jim & Tiffany's love, their eyes glittering, soothing and exciting us with their smiling, mirthful marriage. I think of Jim's family, luckily fostering and nurturing this interested soul. And I think of Jim sending Ben forth bravely in the world, carrying his father's good humor, so thoughtful, so playful, abiding. On Jim's passing, when I bemoan the world needs more, not less, of people like Jim, let us all be a little bit like him!